God is Light energy bits and also He was the only one That existed some fourteen billion years back at the time of the proposed Big Bang when the universe was created by Him. His unique “electromagnetic” power is so enormous that we recommended God to be the unseen power area of three-dimensional room itself which physicists have called the Higgs area. In addition God’s unique “electro-magnetic” energy is the source of soul power in infants that such as oxygen is important for human life. We additionally went over the Divine spirit power inside our body as having a special Mass which permits our souls to be a reasoning brain independent of our human brain. We on top of that concluded that the soul survives permanently given that Marcia’s bodiless heart in paradise freely communicates with my heart power in my body via straight thought-energy telepathy.
The population on Earth is currently seven billion as well as a course in miracles each heart that integrates into a fetus in a brand-new incarnation in a mom’s womb obtains seventy-five countless God’s Light energy particles. God’s billions of quadrillions of His individual “electromagnetic” energy, which is continuously multiplying as the universe expands, can quickly accommodate every one of the heart energies within the human types. Compared to the fantastic Albert Einstein, God has trillions of times more intellect. This enormous supernova mind possessed by God is what provides God the organizing knowledge to be the being of us all, our world, and our cosmos. God likewise appears to possess various other kinds of powers such as angelic energy, faith energy, wonder energy, and also revelation energy in addition to the “electro-magnetic” energy used by our hearts.
God’s Omniscience:
Thoughts do not originate in the human brain. They frequently develop in our spirits and also consequently can be checked by God. No human being presently knows one more individual’s ideas however God understands, regardless of how surreptitiously we try to conceal or camouflage our thoughts within our Magnificent souls linked with each other virtually inseparably within our human brain. God likewise checks the ethical choices we make with our God-given Free Will even before we make them. That’s what Omniscience suggests à cents Âï ¿ 1/2 Âï ¿ 1/2 all recognizing. We each have a tally sheet or spiritual score card that is maintained in Heaven which will identify whether we will certainly advance to living forever in the Messianic Age. If we have actually lived a significant life with reality, sincerity, benefits, and also fairness in our heart and repented for our transgressions, we shall be confessed into a 2nd Yard of Eden where the inclination to do bad will certainly be once again be suppressed as it was for Adam and Eve before the serpent entered their lives.
This moment nevertheless our heaven will be maintained because before the Messianic Age can begin, the Devil who influences our wicked inclination has to be ruined. In the very first Yard of Eden some six thousand years ago, God had His factors to make use of the Devil whom He had created to lure an unsuspecting Eve. When Eve gave way to her desires as well as her human ego, both Adam and also she needed to leave the Yard. One outcome of Eve after that Adam eating the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Expertise was that the Devil was formally assigned to act upon as well as affect the wicked disposition in all future human beings. He additionally offered the Evil one uncommon powers to transform, corrupt, and also own human spirits whereby the Evil one at any time can “come to be” his fans’ bad inclination as well as prompt in them the need to devote bad acts. The effects of the Adversary’s power is evident in the popular story of Adam and also Eve’s twin children, Cain as well as Abel. It is my contention that the Adversary ended up being the wicked inclination in Cain who then slew his brother Abel. Cain ultimately died but the Evil one is still with us to the present day. We will certainly occupy this matter in a future write-up on the Evil one where we shall describe the Adversary’s powers and also God’s factors for developing evil. If God is all recognizing, after that also the Devil’s ideas as well as plans can not be hidden from God.
God’s Omnipresence:
Einstein’s famous Relativity Energy Formula predicted that if humans could take a trip at the speed of light, 186 thousand miles per 2nd, we would certainly live permanently as time would certainly not exist and also would certainly fall under the physicist’s time-space 4th measurement. The spirit travels at one-million times the speed of light, an extraordinary 186 billion miles per second, as well as hence can live for the eternity. Like a droplet of water in the ocean which can not be separated from the sea, our heart energy can not be divided from God’s Light power. Therefore God also takes a trip at the comparable warp speed as our heart power and is not subject to time. For God, He was, He is, as well as He will be. Fourteen billion years considering that the production of deep space are thus the same to God as six thousand years given that the Production of Adam and also Eve. For God who started planet’s life kinds with microbe varieties 3.8 billion years earlier, Development and also Advancement coincide time event considering that God is independent of time. Our human brains nonetheless see these as separate events since we are dependent on time.
The human body imitates a “great void” and constricts the speed of the Divine spirit energy inside of us. Nonetheless the body does not disturb thought-energy transmittal in between hearts from Earth to Heaven as well as vice versa. When we have an idea, the idea is right away converted to God’s unique “electro-magnetic” power which permits the telepathic communication in between earthly and also departed hearts. This thought-energy conversion passes through deep space via wormholes at terminal velocity.