There are several important things that have to take place in order to start a small business, the first, and least obvious is the personal growth, to be mentally ready. A lot of people have fear about starting a small business, but the fact of the matter is, starting a small business is very easy. You have to be able to get over the fear aspect, and not even think about it because it will hold you back.
The next place people get held up at is with all the Jargon, from taxes, to accounting, to merchant accounts to the various types of companies! But trust me, you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff now. The most important thing is to get your mind spinning and having the right “Small Biz” mindset.
You know in order to have a successful business get more infosomething has to be bought and sold. The quickest and the BEST place in today’s troubled economy is to start a business on eBay.
Here are the reasons:
Very littler overhead
People already come to eBay looking to find deals
eBay is ranked number 20 in the world in terms of traffic (Alexa ranking)
It’s no secret that more and more people start a small business on eBay all the time
You can capture people around the world
Imagine the opening up a shop in the worlds largest shopping mall, “The Mall of America.” Rent alone will be in the thousands. I’m sure it’s a great place to run a small business because you have a lot of visitors on a daily basis.
Let’s compare this to eBay, eBay gets over 50 million visitors per day with cash in hand, does Mall of America? No. eBay overhead is VERY low, is the Mall of America’s? No.
So now you’re following me, More visitors, less overhead. That’s the big attraction to eBay.
Not only are a lot of people around the world starting a small business on eBay, but they are also very successful! Right now over 700,000 (eBay statement) people are making a full time income on eBay, and that’s in the US alone! That’s over 14,000 people in each state!
The main thing with starting a small business is to GET out there and DO IT! A lot of people just sit around, step one to starting a small business is to TAKE ACTION!